Tips & Tricks for Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

min read


If you're greeted by rays of warming sunshine, fresh flower buds beginning to poke through the soil, and jubilant birds serenading you with songs when you walk outside your door, then that can mean only one thing: spring has officially sprung. 

Now, turn around and walk back inside your home. Are you now greeted by remnants of all those cooked holiday feasts still lingering on the bottom of your oven, motes of dust floating through the air, and clutter seemingly everywhere you look? All signs indicate it must be time to compile and begin checking items off your spring-cleaning checklist. Read on for tips and tricks to ensure this year is your year of clean.


Tips & Tricks for Your Spring Cleaning Checklist 
If home cleaning is hard homework for you, consider breaking your cleaning goals into bite-sized chunks rather than attempting to complete all your deep cleaning in a single day or weekend. In addition, put in the time to plan and compile cleaning checklists for each room in your house so you know what needs to be completed every time you begin to tackle a new area.  

Before starting, take stock of the essential household items you use regularly and restock anything you're running low on.

Right Supplies for Spring Cleaning


Spring cleaning tips for beginning


1. Ventilation

Enjoy the mild spring climate by opening windows and doors to ventilate each room. This allows fresh air to circulate and helps eliminate accumulated odors. Take the time to clean the inside and outside of windows using an effective glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth for brilliant results. Pay attention to corners and frames for a thorough cleaning.

 Don't Overlook the Often-Forgotten Tasks

2. Carpet and curtain cleaning

Deeply clean carpets by thorough vacuuming, and consider washing or cleaning curtains and blinds to eliminate accumulated dust, improving the air quality in your home. A helpful tip is to start cleaning from the top, working your way down to the bottom of the room, including curtains and adjacent walls.


3. Declutter 

Clear out unnecessary seasonal items such as blankets, cushions, and candles. Discard what is no longer needed and store items you will use in the following fall or winter.


4. Ceiling and corner cleaning

Pay special attention to corners, ceilings, and moldings where dust and cobwebs accumulate. Use a duster or a vacuum with suitable attachments to reach high places, leaving every corner of your home spotless.


5. Deep cleaning appliances
Spring is an excellent time to remove grease, grime, and residues from holiday feasts in home appliances like the refrigerator and oven. Remember smaller appliances like toasters, blenders, and coffee makers. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to ensure effective and safe cleaning.

It is also essential to clean any dust or lint left by warm clothes in the washing machine and the dryer.

6. Bedding refresh

Switch out sheets, pillowcases, and duvets to match the season. Wash and store winter textiles, opting for lighter colors and fabrics to give rooms a springtime feel.

7. Garden maintenance

For those with a garden, dedicate time to pruning plants, cleaning pots, weeding, and preparing the outdoor space for spring. Additionally, perform pool maintenance and clean the grill in preparation for outdoor festivities.


Cleaning Tips To Save Time and Energy


8. Ventilation ducts check
Inspect and clean heating, air conditioning, and ventilation ducts to improve system efficiency and indoor air quality. Replace filters if needed.

9. High-touch surface disinfection
Carefully disinfect high-touch surfaces such as light switches, door handles, remote controls, and kitchen countertops. This deep clean can be done using a specialized disinfectant or a water and vinegar mixture.

10. Pantry revamp
Examine your pantry to ensure all items are still safe for consumption. Clean shelves and consider organizing products in airtight containers to maintain freshness and prevent pests.


11. Floor care

Give your floors a deep clean or polish, whether carpeted, hardwood, or tiled. Use appropriate cleaning products and pay special attention to stains or high-traffic areas.

12. Lighting system inspection
Replace any burnt-out bulbs and clean lamps and shades. Clean and bright lighting can significantly alter the perception of a room.

13. Plumbing check
Inspect the drainage system, ensuring everything functions correctly. Check for leaks in faucets and, if necessary, consult a professional to address any issues, promoting home safety and potential cost savings on utility bills.

14. Closet cleanup
As the weather changes, pack away winter jackets and coats and bring out lighter clothing. Take this opportunity to declutter by donating or discarding items you no longer need.

15. Cosmetic products cleanup
In the realm of self-care, make sure to check the expiration dates of skincare and haircare products. Dispose of any expired items to ensure the safety of your beauty routine. Remember to clean your makeup applicators and brushes regularly.
  Getting Started on Your Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist
While making and completing a cleaning checklist is a chore, it doesn't have to feel overwhelming and daunting. Whether it takes a new tool to get you excited about cleaning up your home or the idea of a fresh, tidy, and clean environment to come home to, there's no better ally than Max to find everything you need to make your home glow and refreshed for spring! 

Follow these spring cleaning tips and find the best products in our catalog.


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