10 Swimming Pool Games You and Your Family Can Play This Summer
∙ min read
If you're planning a pool party, have kids, or simply just want to enjoy your swimming pool more this summer, try out some of these fun pool games. Splashing around in the pool this summer can be a great way to cool off, celebrate and reconnect with family and friends.
Here are 10 fun games you, your family, and friends can play together this summer.
1. Classic Marco Polo
The most well-known and popular swimming pool game to play in above ground pools and other swimming spots is the classic Marco Polo. Marco Polo requires virtually no special equipment or setup. Simply put up your new pool, fill it with water and start playing. Gameplay begins with one person who is "it" and the other players in the pool who have to evade them. The searcher has to close their eyes and shout out, "Marco," while the other players respond with "Polo" and move around to avoid being caught.
2. Cannonball Contests
Another fun game to play in swimming pools is the timeless cannonball contest. When you have a group of people ready to play, each person jumps into the pool using their best cannonball form. The goal of the game is to make the biggest splash. It helps to stock up on pool supplies, like goggles or rafts, to make the cannonball contest more fun. The other players have to judge the quality of the splash and the cannonball form to determine the winner.
3. Whirlpool Pool Games
The following water game works best in an above-ground pool and is shaped like a circle or an oval. The object of the game is to work together with everyone in the pool and make a whirlpool. To do this, everyone must start walking in a circle around the pool’s edge and going in the same direction. After a few minutes, the water will begin to swirl and form into a powerful whirlpool.
4. Shark Swimming Games
One favorite swimming game to play in the pool is called "Sharks and Minnows." To play, one person is chosen to be the "shark," and everyone else are the minnows. First, all pool floats have to be cleared out. Then, the shark sits at one end of the pool, and the minnows set up at the other side of the pool. When the game begins, everyone gets in and starts swimming to the other side. The shark must tag or catch the minnows as they swim to the other end of the pool; whoever doesn't get tagged wins.
5. Traditional Water Sports
You can also turn your favorite land sports into a fun pool version, such as pool volleyball or soccer. Some backyard swimming pool owners install a basketball hoop at the edge of their pool and have tournaments and games. For team sports, you'll need enough people to get a competitive game going. Volleyball, soccer, and basketball turn into entirely different activities when you add a pool and many players.
6. Treasure Hunt Diving
Another classic pool game to play this summer is treasure hunt diving. Start by tossing pool toys and other items that can sink into the pool, such as diving sticks or other accessories. Then, everyone races to retrieve the items on the bottom of the pool. Whoever collects the most treasure wins.
7. Water Tag Chases
A classic game of tag is also much more fun in the pool. Choose someone to be "it" and have fun scrambling and swimming all around the pool to evade the tagger. Use the deep end and some slick moves to keep away and get the game going.
8. Pool Noodle Fun
Sometimes, all you need to start a game is a pool noodle and your imagination. Pool noodles can be used in a variety of fun pool games. One idea is to use the noodles as a jousting tool and charge your opponents without hurting anyone. Another fun game is to have a pool noodle battle where each competitor strikes their opponent using the noodle.

9. Underwater Relays
Relay races are also a great way to work on your swimming technique and have some summer fun. Try hosting some underwater relay races that run the length of your pool to test each swimmer's endurance and speed. Make it a challenge to hold your breath as long as possible underwater during the race.
10. Chicken Fight Pair Games
The last type of pool game that is sure to entertain you and your guests is a chicken fight-style competition. This works for a small group of four or a larger group that can pair up. First, pair up by having one person get on top of another person's shoulders. Then, shoot each other with a water gun and see who can stand the longest without giving up.
Get your pool water ready to host some games this summer by using top-quality pool cleaning products or find your perfect Intex pool at Max Warehouse. Have a blast this summer, and stay cool!
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