Wagner Plastic Cup Liners 45 oz. for Paint Sprayer
Wagner Plastic Cup Liners 45 oz. for Paint Sprayer
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Product Details
Package Dimensions
- Simplifies cleanup: Disposable design saves time and effort after painting.
- Protects equipment: Prevents paint from sticking to the sprayer cup, prolonging its lifespan.
- Convenient and practical: Ideal for both small DIY tasks and large painting jobs.
- Cost-effective: Reduces the wear and tear on paint sprayer equipment.
- Compatible Design: Works effortlessly with most Wagner sprayers.
- Disposable liners: Convenient liners for paint sprayer cups, ensuring easy cleanup.
- Perfect fit: The Wagner sprayer cup liners are designed to fit most Wagner sprayer cups for seamless use.
- High-quality material: Durable and tear-resistant for reliable performance.
- Multipack option: Includes multiple liners to accommodate large painting projects.
- Time-saving solution: Eliminates the need for cleaning paint cups after use.
- Insert liner: Place the liner into the sprayer cup before filling it with paint.
- Fill with paint: Pour the desired amount of paint into the liner.
- Dispose after use: Remove and discard the liner once painting is complete.

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